From Scratch: day 25

Paula Filizola
1 min readFeb 25, 2020

Stop the listicles.
I am dead serious. We've had enough.

They gotta go.
Honestly it seems as if the only way people can communicate is through a step by step list. This may include a how to do a perfect eyeliner listicle or even a 5 points list of qualities you need to have to land your dream job.

The listicles are obviously a reflex of the way we communicate. I mean, they are a good way to summarize information and make it more easy to read, but this doesn't mean that everything must become a listicle.

Listicles are shorter versions of the stories, which also make them lazy ways to tell something. The thing is that most of the time, listicles give good headlines and consequently good traffic. And these nowadays are gold.

No one has time anymore to actually sit and enjoy their read. Once again, listicles come in handy. Social media in many ways have made us lazy.

Also listicles work as a "miracle" recipe nowadays. Follow the steps and you will succeed. Open Medium's homepage, for instance. It's full of how to be productive.

We need to believe that there is a special way out. But the answer is not a listicle. Listicles are trendy and helpful, but changes are beyond that.

There is no easy way out or magical solution. The struggle and hustle are super real.

