Not a fun yearIt’s weird how when people talk about what they’ve learnt in the pandemic it’s always to value small things and be with the ones we love.Dec 20, 2020Dec 20, 2020
Why feedback shouldn’t be hardI don’t know if you have ever asked for feedback during your professional life. I know this wasn’t something I usually liked.Dec 4, 2020Dec 4, 2020
AdaptabilidadeAntes de ser mãe, eu me considerava super adaptável. Mudar de cidade, de emprego, de amigos, mudar de horários. Mudar os planos…Mar 27, 2020Mar 27, 2020
Insight da maternidadeTer filho muda totalmente a rotina. Muda sua visão de mundo. Muda seu corpo, seus horários, suas prioridades. Te remexe tanto por dentro…Mar 25, 2020Mar 25, 2020
From Scratch: day 28For many many many years in my life I thought I had to be perfect. I know it sounds like a job interview where I list as one of my bad…Mar 17, 2020Mar 17, 2020
From Scratch: day 27It’s funny how much failure plays an important — very decisive — role in our life. And the weird thing is that although we should probably…Mar 5, 2020Mar 5, 2020
Everyday I am more convinced that to actually get things done we need to become robots.Sadly enough we still have the false expectation that we will eventually find balance between personal, professional and our side projects…Feb 7, 2020Feb 7, 2020
From Scratch — day 22To leap or not to leap. That is commonly the question nowadays, huh? As we go through life, when adulting especially, we are constantly…Jan 31, 2020Jan 31, 2020